Earphone / Headphone
Bluetooth Speaker
Car Mount
Bike / Desktop Mount
Data Cable / Adapter
Car Chargers
Home Chargers
Wireless Charger
Power Banks
Counter/Floor Displays
Retail Packaging
Retail Ready Merchandise
Value Bundle Sets

Many items are available by special order just in case our current inventory does not satisfy your needs. We work with hundreds of suppliers and have access to thousands of the newest products at factory direct prices.


Submit a Special Order
Request Form Here.
 Home>>Account / Order>>Create Account
The information below allows you to create a profile for placing orders online with Xmax, Inc. Please fill out all applicable fields and click the “Submit Information” button at the bottom of this page. NOTE: Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Los datos que se encuentran a continuación, le permitirán crear un perfil para realizar órdenes en línea con Xmax, Inc . Llene todos los campos que correspondan y seleccione el botón de “Enviar información”, el cual se encuentra al final de la página. NOTA: Los campos marcados con * son obligatorios.
Fullname*: Nombre completo* : 全名:*
Email Address*: Correo electrónico* : 電子郵箱:*
Confirm Email Address* : Confirmar Correo electrónico* : 再次電子郵箱:*
Mobile* : Confirmar Número de móvil* : 手機號碼:*
Password* : Contraseña:* 密碼:*
Confirm Password* : Confirmar Contraseña*: 再次輸入密碼*:
Company Name: Nombre de empresa : 公司名稱:
Trade Name(DBA) : Nombre comerical : 公司合法名稱:
  Same as Billing Address Lgual que la dirección de facturación 同付款地址
Billing Address 1: Dirciande envio 1: 付款地址 1: Shipping Address 1: Dirección de envío 1: 郵購地址 1:
Billing Address 2 : Dirección 2 : 付款地址 2: Shipping Address 2 : Dirección de envío 2 : 郵購地址 2:
Country: País: 國家:
Country: País: 國家:
City: Ciudad: 城市: City: Ciudad : 城市:
State: Estado: 州/省: State: Estado: 州/省:
Zip Code: Código postal : 郵政編碼: Zip Code: Código postal : 郵政編碼:
Contact Person Name: Nombre de empresa : 聯系人:
Title: Título: 職務:
Business Phone Number: Número de teléfono de negocio: 公司電話:
Fax Number: Número de fax : 傳真:  
Type of Business: Tipo de negocio : 業務類型:
Company Website: Página Web de la compañía : 公司網址:
California Resale Permit
Número de Permiso de
Reventa de California:
Required for all CA customers : Requerido paratodos los clientes Residentes de California: 加州客戶必填:
Tax ID Number: Número de Identificación tributaria: 稅號:
Required for all Non-CA customers: Requerido para todos los clientes no residentes de California: 加州客戶必填
International Customer, please enter contact information: Al cliente internacional, por favor introduzca la información de contacto Fiscal: International Customer, please enter contact information:
Country Code : Código del País: 國家代碼:
Phone Number : Número Telefónico : 電話:
Preferred Sales Rep: Representante de Ventas Preferido : 首選銷售代表:
Thank you for considering Xmax, Inc. as your premier wireless accessory wholesaler. We hope our business relationship can be a great one and we will do our best to provide you with the best possible service. By signing this agreement you acknowledge all rules and terms stated by Xmax, Inc. and know any failure to follow will be reviewed and agreement may be terminated by us. You also understand by signing this, you are stating that you are not affiliated with any other companies.
Yes I,   * am verifying that our company is not affiliated with any Group or Franchisee. I agree with the terms that Xmax, Inc. have provided to me. All private information will not be shared such as special products, pricing, and promotions and is only for me and my company to use. Failure to comply with Xmax, Inc’s terms will be subject to a termination in business transactions in the future, and full responsibilities.
Si Yo,  * verifico que nuestra compañía no está afiliada a ningún Grupo o Franquicia. Estoy de acuerdo con las condiciones que Xmax, Inc. me ha proveído. No se compartirá ninguna información confidencial, tal como productos especiales, precios, y promociones; esto es solamente para ser usado por mi y mi compañía. El incumplimiento de los términos Xmax Inc. estará sujeta a la terminación de las transacciones comerciales en el futuro, y plena responsabilidad.
No Please write down your group or franchisee name below :
By submitting the above information, I’ve read and agreed to Xmax Terms & Conditions. Minimuim Advertised Price Policy Agreement, and Manufacturer Warrenty Policy Agreement. I acknowledge that all of the information is true to the best of your knowledge. If any of the above information is proven to be inaccurate, Xmax, Inc. has the right to terminate the business relationship at will.
Xmaxwireless, INC.
500 s los angeles st unit56,
los angeles, CA. 90013, US
Tel: 562.228.2222
Fax: 562.228.2222
Xmax Wireless
©2024 Xmaxwireless Inc, All Rights Reserved